Charles R. Swindoll said: “The difference between something good and something great is care for details”.
It’s fundamental to take care of your job, recognizing the multiple details.

When in the Gift business, small details are very important. The Gift plus is to create emotions, to give personality and strength; the Gift should make we understand the time and accuracy spent to build such an unique gift to reach the hearth of the receiver.

Details, even most insignificant, make the Food Gift unique!

That’s Spagni & Spagni philosophy; to make each Gift unique , with a selection of the best Italian specialties, a strong research for a packaging empathic and charming, in a eco-friendly vision based on recycled materials to maintain our environment.

“Our employees are encouraged to be creative in assembling each Gift , fully handmade with its components: strip, ribbon, box , message wishes and last, but not least, the specialties.
Each product is part of Italian excellence, result of research , innovation , quality control to get the best products to make people happy to receive  and to taste on a continuous way our products”. Laura Spagni.

Our mission is to select the best products through comakership with our suppliers, research and top level design supported by a delivery system to minimize the environmental impact.

Details’ care comes from the attitude to put ourselves every day in the game,  to put on the customers’ table a delicious Gift. Also intangibles make the difference; details make the Gift unique.