Internet has become part of our daily life. For any personal or business need, we know that we will have thousands of answers and options to choose from. Internet has a main important feature: the immediate access. The world wide web (www) has changed the way we live, the way we work and the way we socialize and network. The explosion of E-Commerce has instead changed the way we buy.

During the last ten years, the evolution of technological hardware and the Internet have had a direct correlation with the birth and rise of e-commerce. Internet has become the primary medium for marketing, advertising and for the purchase of products, goods and services. E-commerce is becoming a rival or alternative to the usual traditional purchases.

In 2018, 2.8 billion consumers bought online (source The macro-regions that hold the largest number of users who buy on digital platforms are surely Asia and the United States (driven by the giant Amazon) , while in Europe the number of users who buy on the web is constantly growing: about 69% of online users buy on e-commerce, with a 1% growth compared to 2017.

In this context how does our Belpaese fit in? In Italy, e-commerce has fallen far behind the rest of the world, but it is a sector that is constantly growing. There are about 38 million online consumers, or 62% of the total population, and this number is expected to grow further. In particular, the food and fashion sectors are the best performers in Italy compared to e-commerce.

But what is all this growing success of e-commerce due to? Why does everyone, especially SMEs, want one? Surely it is due to the rise and the great proliferation of more and more exclusively online markets, where it is preferred to have only a virtual trade without any physical store. Another reason is due to the success of social commerce, or the possibility of being able to shop online directly from their social networks or apps, and the growing importance given to marketing and digital communication.

In Spagni & Spagni, we have always thought that online sales would become important globally and for our business. We believed in it so much that our first experience and approach with e-commerce dates back to 2007, a time in which only the largest multinational companies tried their hand at this new form of commerce. We have evolved, as our company and our e-commerce.

Today our e-commerce is the most used channel to get all the information on the products, to be able to choose from a wide range of offers, to learn about our history, the services offered, the image and culture of Spagni & Spagni. Generate informed and secure purchases from users all over the world.