It boasts more attempts at imitation than any other product, but Parmigiano is only from ReggiO Emilia and its unmistakable taste is appreciated in every corner of the earth as well as being protected thanks to the Protected Designation of Origin mark.
The history of the most famous aged cheese dates back many centuries, to be precise about 900 years ago, when the first dairies were the Benedictine and Cistercian monasteries, with the monks driven by the search for a cheese that had in the first place the characteristic of during the time. Today, as then, the ingredients are always the same: water, salt, milk and a lot of patience for seasoning.
The first evidence regarding Parmigiano dates back to 1200: a notarial deed drawn up in Genoa in 1254, in fact, speaks of the “caseus parmensis”. In the fourteenth century, the Benedictine and Cistercian abbeys that always had a monopoly on the production of the now famous cheese were exported throughout Italy, up to the ports of the Mediterranean. In 1344, instead, Giovanni Boccaccio in his “Decameron” spoke of “grated Parmigiano” over “macaroni and raviuoli”, suggesting what was the use of aged cheese already at the time.
Over the years, agricultural and commercial production expanded and the Benedictines also brought Parmigiano to the province of Modena, but from the 16th century onwards its marketing reached all of Europe.
In the early 1900s some important introductions to the production process take place, such as the use of whey grafting and steam heating, which improve the quality of the cheese and which are still relevant today. The activities slowed down only in the 40s, during the Second World War and then resumed fully in the 50s, also thanks to important legislative goals in the food sector.
In 1996 Parmigiano Reggiano was recognized as a European PDO. The promotion and protection activities are carried out by the Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium, officially born in 1934. The Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium brings together all the cheese factories and pursues the fundamental tasks of affixing the marks in accordance with the Regulations of the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), supervision of the correct use of trademarks and protection against counterfeiting.
From its origins, Parmigiano Reggiano was known for its beneficial characteristics, which had so captured the attention of monks centuries ago: it is in fact very rich in calcium, necessary for the maintenance of bones; 50 grams of Parmigiano Reggiano provide the body with over 70% of the daily calcium requirement for an adult who follows a healthy and balanced diet of 2000 kcal. Calcium also contributes to normal energy metabolism. A portion of 25 grams in fact provides a high content of proteins that contribute to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass.
These characteristics, in addition of course to its inimitable taste, make this cheese a natural product, precious in the everyday diet. A simple food, but ideal in a correct diet.